Glimpses of the future

Many countries are rethinking the purpose of education in the 21st Century and redesigning what, how, where and when children and young people learn. How should Bermuda be thinking about this and what are the implications for Bermuda’s public schools? 


Seminar 1:
Glimpses of the Future


This module will explore what learning could look like in Bermuda’s public schools, and what the benefits would be for learners, their families and the communities of Bermuda.

Around the world, educators and communities have seized the initiative and have redesigned schools to create exciting new learning environments for their educators, children and young people.  New school and learning designs have created significant change for teaching and learning, and offer Bermuda an opportunity to be inspired by ambitious new ideas and ways of supporting all young people to succeed.

Here we will consider the reasons why Bermuda is seeking to transform its approach to teaching and learning - our case for change - and explore some examples of innovative school designs through an exercise to expand our sense of what’s possible for Bermuda.

Above you can find a seminar about this module of around 50 minutes in length. You can also explore the content of this module below, and participate in some exercises to reflect on what you have learned.


Education Reform in Bermuda


Why change schools?

The case for change


Schools of the future

Expanding our sense of what’s possible

Education Reform in Bermuda

Our vision for the future